In a world of self-service checkouts, online chatbots, and video calls, it’s a welcome relief when we get to talk to someone face-to-face. We humans are social creatures and often do our best work when together.  

The same is true in the world of recruitment. Screening candidates is easier when you can meet them, but you can also build better relationships with your clients with a face-to-face approach.  


The Importance of Face-to-Face Recruitment  

As a recruitment company, you’re under a lot of pressure to find the best candidates for your clients. If you recommend someone that isn’t right for the job, either because of a lack of experience or the wrong skillset, that will not only cause a headache for your client but will also affect their trust in you.  

Just looking at a CV or cover letter doesn’t give you the full picture of a candidate. Some may be skilled at writing their resume but would crumble in a fast-paced work environment. Of course, no recruiter is perfect, but if you meet with candidates face-to-face, you’ll have a better success rate.  

However, this isn’t always an option.  


Using Video Calls for Recruiting  

In the last few years, mostly out of necessity, recruitment companies had to rely on video calls to screen applicants. This still works well, conversation is key to finding the best candidates, but it’s not quite the same.  

When we’re in the comfort of our own home we act differently, even on a professional call. This can have advantages though. If the role the candidate is applying for is remote or hybrid this can give a recruiter a clear picture of what their work environment is like. They may have a lot of distractions, poor internet quality, or live somewhere that doesn’t look like it would suit a high-pressure job. These are all factors a quality recruiter will consider.  


Advantages of Face-to-Face Recruitment 


In the world of temporary recruitment, you want to find candidates who can adapt to a new environment quickly. When talking to a candidate, you’ll know immediately if they are amiable, and will be able to get along with their new team from day one.  

Nerves are always a factor in interviews, and should be kept in mind, but most experienced candidates you’ll be looking for won’t have this issue. Temp workers will have interviewed a lot; they’ll know what’s expected of them and how to sell themselves best.  

It can be more beneficial for the candidate too. They will often have questions about the role or may want to clarify something about their previous experience. In person, it’s much easier to spend time covering all bases than over the phone. The candidate will also know if they will be a good fit for the job, so making sure they have all the right info will prevent any issues in the future.  

One advantage of a business hiring new workers themselves, and not using a recruitment company, is that they can conduct interviews on the premises. A candidate can be shown around the office and meet the people they may end up working with. This is a taste of the job a recruitment company can’t provide, but it’s one of the few advantages of doing it yourself.  

The traditional recruitment process is expensive and time consuming. By the time you’ve listed the job, sifted through a stack of applications, set up interviews, and arranged start dates and training, it will be months after you originally needed an extra pair of hands.  


Disadvantages of Face-to-Face Recruitment 

The biggest issue with face-to-face recruitment is that it can take a lot more time that just screening CVs. If you have to arrange to meet with each candidate, with interviews taking half an hour or longer, that amount of time adds up fast. 

Of course, for the reasons we’ve already talked about, this can be time well spent. However, for a temporary recruitment agency, quantity is almost as important as quality.  

If you’re providing a number of workers for your client, you want to make sure they’re the best from a much larger group. For example, if they need 10 temporary workers, it might be best to choose from 100 candidates. That’s a lot of CVs to go through, even with automated systems that can speed up the process.  

This is why most temporary recruitment agencies have a pool of talented candidates to choose from already. If you do this, you know they have the right knowledge and experience and can pick out the best based on other factors or the clients’ requirements. By constantly adding to this pool, you’ll always be able to provide the best.  


Meeting Clients Face-to-Face 

It isn’t just candidates who you can meet face-to-face! By meeting with your clients, old, new, or potential, you can develop the relationship with them a tonne after a single day at their offices or for coffee nearby.  

This does more than build your professional relationship too. The better a recruiter understands the client they work with, the easier it will be to find temporary workers that suit their company culture.  


The Best Approach for Temporary Recruitment Companies 

Meeting candidates face-to-face has its pros and cons, and it’s up to the recruitment company to decide how they want to do things. You do know best after all!  

But the thing we know best is that recruitment finance is crucial for any temporary recruitment company, no matter how they operate. We help our clients ensure that the temporary workers they provide are paid on time, every time.  

Our service includes:  

Our solutions will even help you improve the relationship you have with your clients. They’re under a lot of pressure to find the right candidates and are turning to you with exact demands. If you not only provide the best workers but are also quick at communicating and your invoices are always spot on, you’ll build a lot of trust.  

For a temporary recruitment company, reputation is everything. When your existing clients trust you, they’ll sing your praises and continue working with you in the future. This over time will make you the go-to provider of temporary workers for any industry.